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Please complete our online insurance waiver
by doing so this will speed up wait times on site
* Please note all digital waivers must be filled in 48 hours before the event.




This form must be read and filled out before participating in your laser tag activity.  



Yorkshire Tactical Activities Laser Tag treats the Health and Safety of all participants as a priority. As with any sport/leisure activity there are hazards associated with laser tag. It is important for the safety of everyone taking part that each participant is acquainted with those hazards and individually takes all relevant action to minimise those hazards as much as possible.”   

I acknowledge, appreciate, and agree that 

1) I am 8 years old or over or that the minor I am signing up for is over the age of 8 years. I confirm I am the parent or guardian of the minor named below. 

2) There is a risk of injury to me/minor or other people when playing Laser tag. Including but not limited to bodily injury, strains, fractures, loss of eyesight or hearing, exposure to insect bites, slips, falls, collisions with other people, permeant disability or death. To minimize the risk a full safety brief is given, and personal discipline is required to help minimize the risk. 

3) I or minor I am signing for are fully understand the risks involved in playing Laser tag and that this can be caused by my own actions or the actions of others playing or the conditions of the event.  

4) I understand that myself or the minor I am signing for may injure themselves when out in the field or onsite. There are rabbit holes, tree branches, slippery surfaces plus other hazards. I acknowledge that all risk cannot be eliminated completely.  

5) If I chose to participate in Laser tag I or minor signing for would do so knowing and freely. I understand that there will be known and unknown, foreseeable, and unforeseeable risk   

6) I or minor I am signing for understand that I will listen to all safety instructions given by the marshal and that I will listen to all site members, are aware failure to do so will result in being removed from the games for my safety and other players safety. I agree that I will always follow the Yorkshire tactical activities staff instructions. Failure to do so will mean I am removed from the activity for my own safety and other players safety without refund 

7) I or minor I am signing for agree to pay any charges before leaving site. I acknowledge any charges not paid will incur an admin fee of £25  

8) If I or a minor damage any equipment I acknowledge I will be charged for the repair or the cost of replacement.  

9) I understand that Laser tag can be physically and mentally exhausting and that I or minor I am signing for are fit and well to play Laser tag.  

10) I confirm that I or a minor that I am signing for have no medical condition that could prevent them from playing Laser tag. 

Please make the site manager aware if using an inhaler or any other medical aid.  

12) I consent to medical treatment that is deemed advisable in the event of injury to myself or the minor that I have signed this waiver for.  

13) I understand that photos and videos may be taken during the Laser tag session and that these may be used for social media or marketing purposes. I confirm that I give my consent.  

All photos and videos will remain the property of Yorkshire Tactical Activities.  



I have read and fully understood this agreement. I am aware that by signing this agreement i acknowledge and accept that the inherent risk to injury that Laser tag entails to myself or minor i am signing for. I hereby agree to relive Yorkshire tactical activities of any liability for any personal injury, illness, damage to personal property and death. 

I hereby release, remise and forever discharge from any claims and liabilities whatsoever without limitation that I might have against Yorkshire tactical activities, the Owners of the property on which the events are being played and any other player who might injure me, damage caused to property and I make this release on behalf of myself, minor i am signing for ,my heirs, executors and administrators. 

Site attending
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